Sunday, September 15, 2013

Adventure Craving

Adventures are my favorite. 

Give me a car, give me a sleeping bag, give me ten dollars- and ill see you in two weeks. 

I am all about experiencing the world God created us in, and traveling through it to see as much of it as i can WHILE i can. Its hard for me to comprehend just why others would spend their whole lives sitting in one corner of this huge planet, and never see what else it has to offer. 
I do not want to pass away, look down and see exactly what i missed out on. I want to have lived every second of it. 

But to each their own. Some people really thrive in their little corner of the world. 

Maybe they make a name for themselves.
Maybe they make a life.
A family. 

Happy is happy, and for each person that looks a little bit different- which i respect.
But for me, and in my mind- I WANT TO SEE THE WORLD.

Thats the adventure side of me. 

So, as you may know from a previous blog post, I just recently started college. 
And I am Struggling. 

Unfortunately, due to my financial situation, I am working 40 hours, going to school full time, and attempting to make time for my rugby practice (another post for another time). 
Significance in these facts? I am ALWAYS busy. 

I sleep maybe four hours a day (if im lucky),
I very rarely see my friends,
I dont have time to clean (but really, who's complaining)
And I only have time for take-out but dont make enough money to  purchase it while maintaining my financial stability. 

Out of some blessing from God, though- i had free time today after church and was luckily able to go on my first official "College Adventure". 

A friend of mine and I went up to a mountain about 45 minutes from campus. It was spur of the moment, and probably a stupid idea.

We'll, as I've said in earlier posts ; I am on my university's rugby team. (A sport which is easy to love) and in loving this sport I lovingly sprained part of the arches in BOTH of my feet... With love.

So why was I, someone who probably should have been icing my jacked up feetsies, out on a mountain side jumping from rock to rock with those feet and practice in the morning ?


Kidding! But really, after a week of working, of studying, of practicing, of PEOPLE it was nice to be on a mountain, to be away from everything, and to feel calm. 
Only. I'm not calm.

I think I may have scared my friend a bit. A lot of the people are used to me being stressed . Tired. Or pissed.

Which I'm not naturally.

I was dancing, and waving my arms irrationally. Standing on rocks screaming


(Sponge bob reference, anybody?) 

I have a really cute scar from a tree I tried to climb ( I use the word climb very loosely) 

I don't know. It was just fun.

I think that's something we should all attempt to remember to do, sometimes. If we were meant to live, why don't we. Be free
Be foolish
Be an absolute freak.

I for one am not judging.

Adventures for the win <3 


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The athlete

    "But you eat unhealthy"
     "But you don't always go the gym.."
      "But you work at a fast food store!"

Uhm. So? 

Yesterday was the first day of practice for rugby - and the first thing my roommate, Sarah , said was - "you drink too much soda , fat ass" (I may have shortened it a bit, but you get the idea.)

Sarah hasn't known me long - just over a couple months , and she has this tendency to make a ton of assumptions based on who she thinks I am. (As do a lot of my other roommates friends - they assume because they know her, they know me.)

Some times her assumptions are accurate, and sometimes they are just ignorant but, by any means, they are uncalled for, and unasked for. 

I love my roommate, despite our disagreements in aspects such as these - she and I get along great .

Anyways - moral of the story, I blew her away.
Everyone is built differently. Different talents, different traits, different body shapes.

I'm good at sports. I'm fast. I'm competitive as all get out. I have muscles on accident.  And I, TJ, am an ATHLETE.

Despite what I eat, where I work, and what I do in my free time: throw me on a field, give me a team and you've got yourself someone who will play to win every time. 

How many times in a day do you look at someone and judge who they are, and what they can or cannot do in life?

I'll be honest. I do it daily .
I look at people walking into certain buildings on campus and all I can think is "there's no way". (A girl who is a little heavier walking Into the dance building, a cheerleader walking into the neuroscience building, ect)

I know girls on my team that at a first glance no one would EVER guess they had a beast mode-
But I've witnessed it.

So why do we judge so quickly?

Why is it okay for us to be surprised that someone is capable of doing something because they LOOK like they shouldn't be?!
That heavier set girl is one of the best contemporary dancers I've ever witnessed , that cheerleader happens to be working a 4.0 Gpa for her full ride scholarship (that was completely based on academics) and my team mates, all of my teamates, kick ass.

One of the most dangerous things we can do, especially in college, is judge. 

We could be missing out.

Food for thought. #rantoftheday