Wednesday, August 21, 2013

adventure starts here.

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"

 The question would ring through my ears, like a constant reminder of an answer i didn't have.

 I hate that question.

On the somewhat plausible chance that i grow up to be a homeless cat lady on the side of the road, i will make a list of everyone who EVER asked me what i wanted to be when i grow up and hobo shank each one with a pencil. (Not hard enough to cause some serious damage, but hard enough to leave a mark. )

So, obviously, i am kidding. Joking around, making a "haha" to lighten the mood. But my negative feelings on this question have not changed.

When asked that question, people assume what your answer will be. Maybe a gymnast, or a doctor, a teacher or a football player- when asked, a cliche answer is almost always expected.

Maybe i do not want to be cliche.

Maybe I WANT to escape peoples expectations.
Maybe I WANT to surprise the people i know.
Maybe I WANT to try something so far out there that a very limited number of people have succeeded.
Maybe I want to do something that is not taught in schools, or trained at a camp: something that cant be defined by a title, or explained in a career description.

The road not taken.

Do not get me wrong, I am not in to dramatics or story telling- i like to be straight forward and honest in all sense of the terms. If I do not like something, you know it. If i feel something, you will hear it. And for Gods sake if i think something, ill write a blog about it in true literary fashion. I am not trying to make the subject sound more exciting or drama-filled, i just type exactly how i feel.

And how i feel is this : We spend our whole lives trying to figure out exactly what we were born for. Every day people decide why they are alive, what they are meant to do, and who they are meant to be.

People say things like:
I am meant to save lives.
I am meant to paint.
I am meant to sing.
I am meant to play football.
I am meant to work a nine to five job.
I am meant to be a mom.
I am meant to be unhappy.
I am meant to be happy.

Well, I , TJ, am meant to LIVE.

It legitimately upsets me when people simplify all the successes in their lives to one thing, all their goals in life to one action... We forget that the one and only TRUE reason we were given life is to LIVE.

Remember that.
We are given life to LIVE.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not take this out of context. I do not mean party it up, YOLO, or any other strange popular phrases.

Life is gift, one that we can not take for granted. One in which we should be respectful, honest and kind. The term YOLO is not an excuse to cause damage, hurt others, lie, cheat, steal, or disrespect others-

I created this blog as i am starting college this year, and due to my strange ability to attract  the most random adventures, i expect this year to be full of epic tales and irrational happenings. Ones i plan on sharing through this page, weather read or not, these are mostly for me to remember.

This will be my adventure. My journey. My getting to where i want to go- or need to go.

Rumor has it that The best part of growing up is not being grown.

Id like to see for myself. (: